People who are overweight or obese face an increased risk of weight-related health problems. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease are just a few of the conditions that have been linked to excessive weight. Endocrinologists are part of a team of weight management specialists that are trained to help people achieve an appropriate body weight, and thereby improve their level of fitness and prevent these health issues from occurring or worsening.

In this office, we provide an in-depth, personalized client evaluation to every patient seeking help in weight management issues. The ITG Weight Loss Plan utilizes a body composition analyzer (BC IV) to assess patient body composition and estimate basal metabolic rate (BMR).

In addition to your weight, this machine will calculate your lean body mass, body fat, body mass index (BMI), percentage of body fat and more. Our physicians will then use this analysis to customize a weight loss and fitness plan that is exactly suited to each patient’s needs.

ITG Weight Loss Plan is a Nutrition Plan featuring delicious products that can help you meet your dietary and weight-loss goals. With ITG Weight Loss Plan, you lose the weight, then you keep it off, for two reasons; first, because you’ll shed fat instead of muscle, and second because our focus is on teaching you how to make better-eating choices rather than simply eliminating the fun foods from your diet.

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